Ramblings, Nonsense, Silliness

Once upon a time, there was a silly INTP by the name of Elizabeth, who ranted, raved, and blogged.
Sunday, June 13, 2004
It's amazing how disturbing things can be found everywhere... Like, take this example of a Buddhist cult, if you would like to experience disturbations of a most disturbing sort.... *yes I DID mean to use "disturbing" more than once!*

D G Rinpoche claims to be a guru reincarnated for the 9th time, this time for the first time in an American woman. The former "student" has since migrated on another plane of reality into Boddhisattva land. This Rinpoche speaks in stilted English, and claims not to understand American ways of thinking, which is odd, considering that she can speak long sentences in an American accent, with only a "flubbed" word here or there. She has performed "miracles" and she asks for money or "gemstones" when you first visit her cult church...

Man, there are just so many things that are wrong with this whole scenario... I'd ramble for days about them, but I'm tiyuuuurrrrd... So l8r.


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